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اسپنسر تاکر (به انگلیسی: Spencer C. Tucker) پژوهشگر برنامه فولبرایت و استاد بازنشسته و نویسنده جایزه گرفته آثار تاریخی نظامی است. او در دانشگاه تگزاس کریستین به مدت ۳۰ سال تدریس کردهاست و کرسی تاریخ نظامی جان بیگز در انجمن نظامی ویرجینیا را به مدت ۶ سال داشتهاست.
کتابهایی که او مسئول ویرایش شان بودهاست:
- Arming the Fleet: U.S. Navy Ordnance in the Muzzle-loading Era (1989)
- The Jefferson Gunboat Navy (1993)
- The European Powers in the First World War, An Encyclopedia (1996); paperback ed. (1999)
- Injured Honor: The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, June 22, 1807 (1996)
- Raphael Semmes and the Alabama (1996)
- The Big Guns: Civil War Heavy Ordnance (1997)
- The Great War, 1914-18 (1998)
- Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War. 3 vols (1998)
- Vietnam (1999)
- Andrew Hull Foote, Civil War Admiral (2000)
- Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War. 1 vol. (2000)
- Encyclopedia of the Korean War. 3 vols. (2000)
- Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Naval Warfare (2000)
- Who's Who in Twentieth-Century Warfare (2001)
- A Short History of the Civil War at Sea (2001)
- Unconditional Surrender: The Capture of Forts Henry and Donelson (2001)
- Encyclopedia of the Korean War. 1 vol. (2002)
- Encyclopedia of Naval Warfare. 3 vols. (2002)
- Brigadier General John D. Imboden: Confederate Commander in the Shenandoah (2002)
- Encyclopedia of U.S. Military History. 3 vols. (2003)
- The Second World War (2003)
- Tanks: An Illustrated History of their Impact (2004)
- Encyclopedia of World War II. 5 vols. (2004)
- Stephen Decatur: A Life Most Bold and Daring (2004)
- Encyclopedia of World War I. 5 vols. (2005)
- Blue and Gray Navies: The Civil War Afloat (2006)
- Encyclopedia of the Cold War. 5 vols. (2007)
- Encyclopedia of Arab-Israeli Conflict. 4 vols. (2008)
- Encyclopedia of North American Colonial Conflicts. 3 vols. (2008)
- Rise and Fight Again: The Life of Nathanael Greene (2009); paperback ed. (2018)
- Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars. 3 vols. (2009)
- U.S. Leadership in Wartime: Clashes, Controversy, and Compromise. 2 vols. (2009)
- A Global Chronology of Conflict. 6 vols. (2009)
- Encyclopedia of the Korean War. 3 vols. (2010)
- Encyclopedia of U.S. Wars in the Middle East. 5 vols. (2010)
- Civil War Naval Encyclopedia. 2 vols. (2010)
- Battles that have changed History (2010)
- Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War. Rev. ed. 4 vols. (2011)
- Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars. 3 vols. (2011)
- World War II at Sea, An Encyclopedia. 2 vols. (2011)
- Encyclopedia of the War of 1812. 3 vols. (2012)
- Encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War. 3 vols. (2012)
- Almanac of American Military History. 4 vols. (2012)
- American Civil War: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection 6 vols. (2013)
- Encyclopedia of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency. 1 vol. (2013)
- Battles that changed American History: 100 of the Greatest
- Victories and Defeats. 1 vol. (2014)(108 vols total)
- Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Early Republic, 1783-1812. 3 vols. (2014)
- The Persian Gulf War Encyclopedia: A Political, Social, and Military History (2014)
- World War I: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection. 5 vols. (2014)
- Five Hundred Great Military Leaders. 2 vols. (2014)
- The American Civil War, A State-by-State Encyclopedia. 2 vols. (2015)
- Instruments of War: Weapons and Technologies that have changed History (2015)
- Wars that changed History: 50 of the World’s Greatest Conflicts (2015)
- Pearl Harbor: The Essential Reference Guide (2015)
- U.S. Conflicts in the 21st Century: Afghanistan War, Iraq War, and the War on Terror (2015).
- World War I: The Essential Reference Guide (2016)
- World War II: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection. 5 vols. (2016)
- The Roots and Consequences of 20th Century Warfare: Conflicts that shaped the Modern World (2016)
- The Roots and Consequences of Civil Wars and Revolutions (2017)
- Modern Conflict in the Greater Middle East (2017)
- Enduring Controversies in Military History: Critical Analysis and Context. 2 vols. (2017)
- D-Day: The Essential Reference Guide (2017)
- The Roots and Consequences of Independence Wars (2018)
- Wikipedia contributors, "Spencer C. Tucker," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://teknopedia.ac.id/w/index.php?title=Spencer_C._Tucker&oldid=854656860 (accessed September 15, 2018).
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